Mornsun Модуль трансивер TD3B1D485H-A

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The main function of the TD3B1D485H-A / TD5B1D485H-A series is to convert a logic level signal into isolated RS485 differential level signals. The special integrated IC technology of the RS485 transceiver achieves isolation between the power supply and the signal lines isolation, does RS485 communication and protects the bus all in one and the same module. The product's isolated power supply withstands a test voltage of up to 3000VDC. In addition, the product features an automatic switching function, that no longer requires the need to pass through the node to send and receive control signals, which to a certain extent, reduces the design complexity. Also, they can easily be embedded in the user's end equipment, to achieve fully functional RS485 network connections.

Технические характеристики

Integrated Power
Количество каналов1
Скорость передачи (бит/с)500k
Входное напряжение, В (VDC)3.3
Количество узлов128
ОсобенностиHigh rate

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