Бокорезы ESD Weller 504E

  • 22 353 руб.

  • Последняя цена (на момент наличия)

The Weller Erem 500 Micro series is a complete range of medium-sized, robust precision cutters with a wide range of head shapes. The cutters are made from high-quality tool steel. The cutting edges are hardened to Rockwell 63-65 HRC. The precision cutters have a non-reflective surface, are ESD-safe and can be sharpened.

Highlights & Details

Precise cutting with the high-precision screw system for smooth, free-play movement of the tool legsUncompromising Swiss quality, powerful and durablePowerful and sharpHand-made cutting edges for superior performance and sharpnessComfort, security and gripErgonomically shaped handles guarantee maximum comfort and fatigue-free working thanks to our opening stopESD secureManufactured from ESD-safe material to prevent damage to sensitive components


Front cutter, wide head, angled, beveled

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