Mornsun AC/DC закрытый универсальный источник питания LM50-10D0512-20

  • Цена - по запросу


LM50-10Dxx series of power converter design features two isolated outputs, which can independently supply two different loads in the system that need to be isolated from each other.The products can be used in harsh working environments with an ambient temperature range from -30℃ to +70℃, without the need of a fan for further heat dissipation. In addition, the converters EMC immunity performance meets the requirements of IEC61000 standard and meet emission standard CISPR32/EN55032, class B without any external components, thus providing excellent EMC protection. The products also meet IEC/EN/UL62368/EN60335/GB4943 safety standards.The converters integrate a variety of protection features and offer a high-performance to low-cost ratio providing the best power solution for a variety of industries such as industrial control equipment, instrumentation and smart home and building equipment.

Технические характеристики

Мощность, Вт54
Входное напряжение, В (VAC)85-264
Входное напряжение, В (VDC)120-370
Выходное напряжение, В (VDC)5,12
Ток, А6A,2A
Количество выходов2
Эффективность, %83

Список документов товара

Фильтр источники питания
Номинальная мощность, Вт 54

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