Набор для ремонта ноутбука Pro'sKit MS-3176

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  • Производитель: Pro'sKit
  • Модель: MS-3176
  • Наличие: Нет в наличии
This set contains 3pcs black aid tool, made with reinforced nylon, heat resistant and 1 metal spudger for opening and prying tablet computers, cell phones, monitors and disconnecting small electronic components without damaging housing or parts.

This set contains 3pcs black aid tool, made with reinforced nylon, heat resistant and 1 metal spudger for opening and prying tablet computers, cell phones, monitors and disconnecting small electronic components without damaging housing or parts.

Contents Material
9MS-9327 Metal spudger tool (123mm) Metal
9H084 Point-blade solder aid tools (155 mm) Nylon
9H085 Spudger solder aid tools (140 mm) Nylon
9H086 Fork-blade solder aid tools (173 mm) Nylon

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